Instagram has figured out that I slow my scroll when marshmallows are involved. I’ve always loved marshmallows and used to jokingly refer to myself as a marshmallowaholic.

I’m easily satisfied by plain marshmallows. I especially love Peeps because they are marshmallows covered in additional sugar. I like the idea of roasting marshmallows but I rarely take the time or effort to do so.

Interacting with one s’mores recipe on Instagram has quickly filled my feed with more and more videos of gooey marshmallowy goodness. I’ve started sending some of the videos to my wife via direct messages on Instagram and that only fans the flames to bring me more of the same.

I’m especially taken by the videos that make it look easy. Instead of starting a charcoal fire and roasting marshmallows one at a time, the videos are for s’mores cookies, brownies, casseroles, and other dishes.

The last time I made a s’more was at a glamping resort in Sevierville. You can watch it on YouTube at  Generally speaking, it was too dark for me to properly see what I was doing. Of course, s’mores are a sticky mess when all you have as utensils are your fingers and a long stick.

Perhaps the Instagram videos appeal to me because of their almost OCD neatness until the end when the person finally tastes their creation. The graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows are usually placed with precision in a baking dish. Even at the end, the person eating the s’mores usually uses a fork or spoon.

I am having an internal debate about whether or not s’mores chocolate chip cookies are truly deserving of the s’mores name. We all know the three basic ingredients of a s’more: graham cracker, chocolate, and a warm marshmallow. But what if the chocolate and marshmallow are added to a chocolate chip cookie? Is it still a s’more without the graham cracker?

The more videos I watch, the more are pushed toward me by the algorithm. I recently saw a video in which a graham cracker is included as the base of the chocolate chip cookie s’more. I think that would make it an official s’more.

Some of the recipes I have sent to my wife include: s’mores banana bread; s’mores layer cake; s’mores cookie bars; s’mores dessert pizza; s’mores brownies; s’mores pudding parfaits; s’mores bark; s’mores cones; and s’mores “treats” using Golden Grahams cereal instead of Rice Krispies.

My birthday is coming up and I need to decide which treat to request. I’m going to have to live well into old age if I hope to try them all.